Thursday, December 01, 2005

12 Zulhijjah 1427H


Hi Readers!!! Lamanye la blog ni x berupdatekan... hehehe. As usual.. pasti MASA yang dipersalahkan sedangkan diri tu yang tidak mengejar MASA..:)

As of today, my loveliest Nurin Anisah dah 9 bulan lahir ke dunia yang fana ini. Alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat Ilahi atas peluang yang diberi buat kami sekeluarga, jua atas semua rezeki, nikmat, rahmat etc yang telah dicurahkan pada kami sekeluarga... Tanpa keizinan dari-Nya.. apalah yang boleh kami nikmati dalam kehidupan ini...

Though dah 12 hari all of us masuk ke tahun baru i.e 2006, rasanya sempat gik kan kami nak ucapkan SELAMAT TAHUN BARU pada semua.... ;) Moga tahun ni akan lebih baik dari tahun2 yg lepas...

So, lets read apa kata BabyCentre on my 9-Month-Old baby and lets see how's her achievements rite now... :)

Almost walking - Your baby is getting closer and closer to full-fledged walking. At this age she can probably crawl up stairs and cruise, moving around upright while holding onto furniture. A few nine-month-olds may even take a few steps — with support. Your baby is also learning how to bend her knees and how to sit after standing (which is harder to master than you might think!). - Anisah never crawl up stairs coz kitorang takut die jatuh...hahaha. So tiap kali she reached the stairs, we'll move her away from the stairs...Salah ke ek?? She loves to hold on furnitures and us. Kadang2 bila dah berdiri tu.. dgn selambanya cuba melepaskan tangan...konon2 dah bleh tegap berdiri la tu.. Mama die la asyik nak keje ngurut dada.. :) Kalo die jatuh, x bleh gi terpa die tanya sakit ke tak.. kene be relax, if she didnt feel hurt, she will continue play happily.. kalo sakit die nangis, baru la p terpa pujuk2 die... hehehe. Dah terror bab bending knees ni.. dolu-dolu bile berdiri x bleh nak duduk2 coz agaknye die takut..

Shoes? Not yet - When their babies start standing and cruising, many parents wonder if shoes are necessary. Until your baby is walking around outdoors regularly, most experts don't think so. Going barefoot not only can help strengthen your child's arches and leg muscles but, according to Penelope Leach in Your Baby and Child, it can also make it easier for your baby to balance when her shoeless feet are free to feel all the textures of what she's walking on. - Hehe, I am one of the parents yang very excited la nak belikan Anisah kasut yang die bleh pakai kat luar rumah... especially kasut yang ada bunyi cit cot cit cot tuu.... Tp Anisah ni kaki die kecik, so I am hardly find her kasut. So, mmg x dela die jalan2 atas tanah barefootly... setakat dalam rumah aje la..... Maybe I can try the above idea...kan?

Playing and Learning - Your baby can now put objects in a container and remove them. Give her a plastic bucket and some colourful blocks (make sure they're not so small she can swallow them) so she can practise this new skill. She also likes toys with moving parts, such as wheels, levers, or doors that open and close. Big plastic cars that your baby can roll around on the floor are fun playthings for both boys and girls.
If you take a toy away from her, your increasingly assertive baby is likely to object. She's really starting to be able to make her needs and wants known.
About half of all nine-month-olds will initiate passing games, giving away toys and then taking them back. Be her playmate. Try rolling a ball to your baby when you're playing on the floor and see if she rolls it back to you. Give her a sorting toy or stacking rings and see if she sorts or stacks or hands the pieces to you. - Hmmm Anisah tak berapa minat dengan toys die.. She prefers to play with adults things like our magazines, my camera pouch, my handbag..etc
.. She also likes to play with balls...

Hmmm makin banyak dah skills Anisah kan... and our love towards her pun keep on increasing each day... Keep on feeling sad bila nak tinggalkan die kat nursery....rasa nak jek cuti ari2 jaga die.. dah la skrg ni dah pindah ofis from Kelana Jaya to Menara TM, so d distant seems increasing....uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I missed my baby.... cepat la 5.30PM... wanna rush back to Kelana Jaya and see her...
posted by adiksu at 8:00 AM | 2 comments