Thursday, April 28, 2005
19 RabiulAwal 1426H

Assalamualaikum!!! Hope korang sume sihat-sihat la ek. @diksu kat kg ni Alhamdulillah...sihat-sihat belaka.... :)

This week, my little baby, Anisah dah berusia 2 minggu... berat pun dah naik to 3.++ kg. And d best news is, berat @diksu pun dah turun ke 45kg....yeeeehaaaaaaaaaaa sonoknye... hope to reach the normal weight again..hehe

Ni pic Anisah after 2 weeks dilahirkan.

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Bila dah bersalin ni, barula sedar susah payahnye berpantang...especially if your mother jenis yg mmg ikut sebijik sebijon all d rules during confinement...huhuhuhuh... mmg kene banyak bersaba..:)

Eh nak take this opportunity to wish my old skulmet @ SMAPL, Wan Hezlin Enis & Irka for d new baby... "Wheng, sama-sama la kite berpantang ek... :) "
posted by adiksu at 11:14 AM |


At April 28, 2005 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

k ct!!! comei comei baby... k ct, info yg nak ari tu nak lagi ker? sy tgh kat kg time tu pastu balik kl terus terlupa pasal tu sbb tk tgk msg dah.. skang ader kat labu ek??


At April 28, 2005 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

weih... cepat la abis pantang. bleh balik kl. bleh aku dtg ziarah. umah ko still dekat restoran F1 tu kan?


At April 29, 2005 1:09 PM, Blogger sabirin alimin

aaa pantang pantang.....


At May 02, 2005 8:08 PM, Blogger adiksu

adik leli... tanyakan prosedur nak mintak medical card tuk Anisah ek..

afza...aku abis pantang early june.. start keje 13 jun..balik serdang 2 weeks earlier kut.. rumah still kat ngn restoran f1 tu..nanti aku dah balik sana aku bgtau aaaa